# About me
Hi! I'm Arnau, a 20 year old from Spain and I like computers and cats!
I'm into sysadmin and selfhosting stuff, I have a bunch of random services linked in services, you can check them out to see if you find something interesting.
I work as a support specialist for Dell EMC, and I am also doing a Computer Science major at the Open University of Catalonia.
Trying to learn more about reverse engineering and low level software development (x86/ARM ASM, C).
I have also been messing with networking in the real world, I registered an ASN on RIPE NCC and got a publicly routable IPv6 prefix, which I announce from a virtual BGP router in Switzerland, peering in FogIX.
This website only uses HTML and CSS, no JS, no imports... It's just a motherf*cking website, kind of. All code is original, but feel free to steal my CSS if you like.
# Contact
You can contact me via email, I read all my emails but please don't abuse this, only contact me through email if it's something important, thank you:
- arna13(at)arna13(dot)net
My latest GPG key hash is B0A5 88A3 C192 4B90 3620 CD71 85BC 9892 A0C3 3EE9, I have my public key hosted in several keyservers and here.